Who says pizza dough has to contain wheat? As awareness spread concerning Celiac disease, which makes sufferers intolerant of gluten, a protein complex in wheat, restaurants and food manufacturers developed gluten-free products. Among them, the Godfather’s and Domino’s pizza chains began testing gluten-free pizza crust in 2010, and now both offer gluten-free pizza in all locations—for about $3 extra at Domino’s. In recent years, there has also been a more general push for healthier pizza, seen with the growth of the Naked Pizza franchise and the team of Scottish researchers who introduced “nutritionally balanced” pizzas last summer.
Slices of History: Great Moments in Pizza Innovation
A brief look back at some of the big innovations that have helped pizza become fully ingrained in modern American dining culture
2010: Gluten-Free Pizza Hits the Scene
Full List
Pizza Pizza!
- The Pizza, It Is A-Changin’
- 1889: Pizza (As We Know It) Is Born
- 1905: The First American Pizzeria
- World War Era: Regional Specialties on the Map
- 1958: Birth of a Pizza Chain
- 1960: Era of Speedy Delivery Arrives
- 1962: Pizza Hits the Frozen Food Section
- 1962: The Advent of Wacky Toppings
- 1985: No More Collapsing Boxes
- 1995: The “Take-and-Bake” Revolution
- 2010: Gluten-Free Pizza Hits the Scene
- 2012: Pizza Goes Fast Casual
- 2013: Wild Innovations Keep on Coming