Here’s some recommended reading, inquiring into issues like: Why do consumers keep paying top dollar for huge, high-end kitchens and designer appliances they almost never use? Why do students keep buying into the idea that college is the only path to success, and that racking up tens of thousands in loans is a good idea? And how the heck …
Educational Financing
Shout Out: ‘How to Go to College for Free’
What can you learn by watching college courses online, without paying a dime?
The Recession’s Big Impact on Marriage and … College Student Drinking Habits?
Seeing as money is often cited as a prime reason couples break up, it’s no surprise that the economic downturn has had a big impact—sometimes positive, often negative—on many marriages. The tough economy may also be causing the nation’s college students to hit the bottle less too.
The Secret to Saving $80K on College Tuition
The trick, which is probably much easier than getting a scholarship, is convincing someone to marry you.
A Full Year of College for $999?
A Baltimore-based for-profit company is offering online core 101-style college courses—English, statistics, algebra—for $138 per month, or at the infomercial-esque price of $999 for a full year.
Cheapskate Wisdom … About For-Profit Colleges
“Education should lead students out of poverty, not into it.”
How Private College Is Like a New Car
In both cases, few people ever pay the sticker price.
News That’s Good and Bad for Consumers, the Economy, and the World
Sometimes, news and notable trends aren’t entirely good or altogether bad. They’re a bit of both. For example, should we be happy that unemployed support groups are flourishing online? I suppose we should—though we’d all be happier if there was no reason for such groups to exist.
242 Money-Saving Tips From Around the Web
Here’s a roundup of links with advice for dropping your monthly cable bill, evaluating diet programs (extra tip: plain old water may be a genuine miracle product in this department), consistently getting discounts at major retailers like Target and Sam’s Club, figuring out ways to pamper your pets on the cheap and the easiest ways to get …
Study: Childcare More Expensive Than College, Annual Food Bill
The cost of center-based childcare for infants has risen twice as fast as median income for families over the past decade.
Survey: College Isn’t All That Great an Investment
Last year, 80% of Americans believed that college was a good financial investment. Now, results from the same survey show a sharp drop in confidence in the rewards of higher education, with only 64% of people saying that college is a good investment.
This Summer Only! College at 50% Off! Get Your Learning On While It’s Cheap!
To attract students at a time when many families are wondering if they can afford college—and also, if higher education is actually worth the money—colleges are going all Crazy Eddie, offering deals like tuition freezes, 50% off and buy-one-get-one-free summer courses, and free housing.