While doomsday bunkers are more affordable, decommissioned missile bases turned into private residences offer a lot more space, style, and luxury. A company called 20th Century Castles specializes in sales of such properties, selling more than 50 of them around the country. Typically, all-cash deals are required because it’s difficult to find a lender for a mortgage on such a property. (Too bad: If the apocalypse came, you probably wouldn’t have to worry about the mortgage anymore.) Some of properties for sale have come down dramatically in asking price, like a 20-acre property in New York’s Adirondacks, once priced at $4.6 million and now available at a mere $750,000. Bonus: Ownership of a luxury home built for surviving a meteor or a nuclear bomb probably increases interest in your dating profile at SurvivalistSingles.com.