Maternity Leave in Progress: sayonara for now

So after much agonizing over what I ought to do with WiP during my leave, I did what I always do and punted to someone with more brain cells: in this case, chief pooh-bah Josh. I offered two options:

1. Keep going, albeit at a slower pace and in a more personal vein.
2. Hang an Out of Office shingle.

As a brand new dad …

Office pests don’t discriminate

You’ve heard that Fox News is infested with bedbugs; just last week,

A Fox News employee filed a lawsuit Thursday against the owner of the building she works in and the maintenance company who cleans it after she says she was bitten by bedbugs at work.

The employee is claiming post-traumatic stress syndrome (seriously). Now it turns …

Positive thinking leads to…job dissatisfaction?

As grouchy as I act, I admit that I am inside an incorrigible optimist. I tend to think things will work out, not because I believe in karma or whatnot but because the laws of probability dictate generally okay outcomes. I tend to believe I can make a crappy situation better. And I tend to think even the biggest jerk loves his mama. …

A survival guide for our summer interns

Last week, our annual batch of summer interns arrived at TIME. This I know because an e-mail was sent out yesterday announcing their arrival. But because I’m working from home until I expel a small person from my womb, the most I know about this year’s group may be their three-line e-mailed bios.

That’s a shame. I love interns. I so …

More dads want to stay home

When I write about work-family issues, I deliberately try to avoid assigning them only to women. That’s because I know too many men among my peers who struggle with the same things: spending more time with their kids; arranging flexible work options; doing quality work while raising kids who don’t set fire to the guidance couselor’s …

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