It’s debatable whether the $4 million spent to advertise during the Super Bowl is actually worth the money. This year, what with an awful, blowout of a game, it seemed like there were surely better, cleverer ways for brands to …
J.C. Penney’s Pricing Is Faker Than Ever
Just in time for Valentine’s Day gift-buying season, J.C. Penney is jacking up list prices just so that it can slash them and make the sale price seem more impressive.
Most People Won’t Watch Super Bowl Ads Before the Game
For that matter, given the increasing attention devoted to social media and second screens, there will be plenty of consumers who won’t watch pay attention to commercials airing live during the Super Bowl either.
Chocolate Toothpaste and the Rise of WTF Flavors
Consumers have gotten so used to hearing about “New!” and “Exciting!” products that marketers are resorting to extreme, bold, bizarre — and perhaps even unappealing — flavors to pique their curiosity.
Marijuana Movement Seizes Super Bowl Spotlight
This year’s Super Bowl seems to be perfect for the marketing of marijuana, and pot entrepreneurs and activists are seizing the moment.
E-Retailers Are Loving This Frigid Weather
When the weather outside is frightful, consumers tend to stay indoors and go shopping online. And guess what they buy? Lots and lots of warm clothes.
Blame Oreo: Why Your Twitter Feed Will Go Bonkers During the Super Bowl
The most memorable “ad” from last year’s Super Bowl didn’t come in the form of a TV commercial. It was a quick-thinking Tweet from the folks at Oreo. Expect lots of copycats this year.
6 Products and Brands Psyched the Seahawks and Broncos Are in the Super Bowl
Dozens of companies have paid $4 million apiece so their 30-second commercials will be aired during the Super Bowl. But other brands and products are bound to get plenty of attention during the Super Bowl buildup simply due to …
How Companies Trick You into Thinking You’re Buying a Premium Product
It’s all about the packaging
Tom Brady Is a Slick Fashion Snob, Peyton Manning Is a Goofy Average Joe
What NFL quarterback endorsement deals say about player images — and how they shape them.
The Competition for Craft Beer Drinkers Takes a Bitter Turn
The craft beer world is full of nice, easygoing, collaborative entrepreneurs who disdain down-and-dirty competition. Or at least it used to be.
Meet Your New Chinese Hybrid
Automaker plans to debut car in U.S. market by 2015