Everyone understands why the jerseys of all-time greats like Peyton Manning, LeBron James, and Derek Jeter top on the …
Business of Sports
This Is the Sexy T-Shirt Adidas Was Forced to Stop Selling
Brazil’s tourist board said shirts encouraged sex tourism
Budweiser Wants Baseball’s Opening Day to Be a National Holiday
Should the season opener for the national pastime be a national holiday? Budweiser thinks so.
5 Brands That Are Winning the Olympics
The Olympics not only shines a light on athletes engaged in competition, but also on brands competing for the attention, dollars, and loyalty of viewers watching from home.
Snowboarders Are Olympic Heroes. So When Will Skateboarding Get Some Olympics Love?
Snowboarding has been established as a big hit in the Olympics. Yet the sport that’s been incredibly influential in the evolution of snowboarding, as well as global youth culture in general, is still left out in the cold.
The Namath Effect? Interest in Fur Heats Up
You’ve seen the fur coat Joe Namath wore at the Super Bowl. You probably Tweeted about it. And apparently, the coat that got more attention than the game has inspired some to emulate Namath’s lookâone alternately called cruel, …
Sochi: Worst Olympics Travel Destination Ever?
Most Expensive Super Bowl Ever Is Turning into a Last-Minute Bargain
Relatively speaking, that is. Hotel rooms near the stadium can be had for under $100, and scalpers say ticket prices should drop to $500 by Super Bowl Sunday.
Most People Won’t Watch Super Bowl Ads Before the Game
For that matter, given the increasing attention devoted to social media and second screens, there will be plenty of consumers who won’t watch pay attention to commercials airing live during the Super Bowl either.
Marijuana Movement Seizes Super Bowl Spotlight
This year’s Super Bowl seems to be perfect for the marketing of marijuana, and pot entrepreneurs and activists are seizing the moment.
Blame Oreo: Why Your Twitter Feed Will Go Bonkers During the Super Bowl
The most memorable “ad” from last year’s Super Bowl didn’t come in the form of a TV commercial. It was a quick-thinking Tweet from the folks at Oreo. Expect lots of copycats this year.
6 Products and Brands Psyched the Seahawks and Broncos Are in the Super Bowl
Dozens of companies have paid $4 million apiece so their 30-second commercials will be aired during the Super Bowl. But other brands and products are bound to get plenty of attention during the Super Bowl buildup simply due to …