I sat down today with a buffet of Buffetts—Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett, his son Howard G. Buffett and his grandson Howard W. Buffett—to talk about Howard G.’s new book 40 Chances: Finding Hope in a Hungry World. …
For a bursting oil region like Texas, experience is an asset
Nearly one-fifth of the globe can’t turn on the lights
The electric car company Tesla has always been an easy target. There’s the CEO, messianic Silicon Valley entrepreneur Elon Musk, who sometimes actually seems to be convinced that he’s the real-life Tony Stark. There’s the sheer chutzpah of a startup company from outside the auto industry trying to successfully build and market a new car …
Data-crunching algorithms, not solar panels, are the new darlings of clean tech
You can practically set your watch by it. As petroleum prices soar—and with them, oil company profits and pain at the gas pump—sooner or later members of Congress will haul Big Oil executives into a hearing and Demand That Something Be Done. It happened in 2008, the last time oil prices breached the $100 a barrel mark, and on …
Crossposted from TIME’s Ecocentric blog:
Last March, President Barack Obama gave a speech on energy security at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington. In it, Obama offered what might be called a “grand compromise” on energy—in exchange for expanded offshore drilling, including in previously untouched areas like north Alaska and …
The Oyster Creek nuclear plant in New Jersey was opened when the Beatles were still together, and since 1969 its single 645 MW boiling water reactor has provided enough energy to power 600,000 homes. But the oldest nuclear plant will be going out of commission a little early-last year owner Exelon Energy announced that it would close …