A time for transition, Part 1

The day is quickly drawing near for Justin to move on to bigger and better things things. As you can see, I am putting on a brave face, but I’m really quite upset. (Justin, as you can see, has taken to drinking.)

Justin will post more about his transition later today, and I’ll post again about some new folks who will be joining the …

Is the Cable Bundle Actually a Joy?

With bundled pay TV packages, you pay for 60 or 100 or 1,000 channels, even if you really only watch 8. I, for one, would certainly be interested in the option to pay for channels a la carte. I mean, I’m annoyed that QVC appears as I click around looking for something to watch, and the thought that even 1¢ of my bill might go to such a …

Bad Credit: Not So Bad After All?

The authors of a new book make the case that life can be good—great, even—while your credit score is in the dumps. In spite of bad credit, you can still buy a home, take a vacation, start a business, and most importantly, not be depressed all the time. And the writers should know what they’re talking about: One of the authors had to …

How e-mail became more frivolous than Twitter

I’m cleaning out my timemagazine.com e-mail inbox one last time. One thing that this exercise is driving home to me is that, after more than 13 years at effectively the same e-mail address (e-mails addressed to my old fortunemail.com address still land in my inbox), a journalist gets an insane amount of PR spam. And while I can’t work up …

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