families & children

Economic Indicator: Tooth Fairy Payments Are Up 18%

The national average appearing under the pillows of recently de-toothed children is now $2.52 a pop. That’s up 18% from the average of a year ago ($2.13). And the increase, according the group that conducts this annual poll, is a strong indication that the economy is improving. Either that or the black market for kids’ incisors is as hot as gold.

What Stuff Costs

You probably spend more on beer, cable, pets, day care, and health insurance than you think. And you wouldn’t believe what some couples will spend on their wedding day.

10 Angry and Entertaining Consumer Rants

Got rage? Sometimes, going off on a rant—or just reading one—makes you feel a little better. So read. Enjoy. Laugh. Maybe get a little worked up. Or just be happy you’re not the only angry consumer out there. Then breathe and get on with your life.

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