All In Favor of Latin Mass, Say Ita

So here goes another Sunday in which I did not attend Mass. What I attended instead was a rigorous total-body workout at the gym, before which my husband let me sleep in and after which I came home and made lunch. In other words, no extenuating circumstances prevented my going, which, according to longstanding family rules, means I have …

Freddy Adu beats Brazil

I know my occasional soccer posts are mostly ridiculous, but having just watched the U.S. beat Brazil 2-1 in an unhingingly thrilling and nerve-wracking U-20 (it obviously stands for “under 20,” but some of the players are already 20) World Cup game before a packed house of Ottawans, I have a couple of things to say:

1) Jozy! Jozy! …

New column: My friends on Facebook

My new column is about Facebook, and it’s in the issue of Time with a glass of Scotch (or is it bourbon? or rye? or colored water?) on the cover and online here. It begins:

I knew something significant was up when, a couple of weeks ago, I got an e-mail notifying me that a long-ago boss had added me as a “friend” on Facebook. This was a

Me, I’ll Take Cash

How are you rewarded for a job well done?

Where I work, people like me are thanked, occasionally, by a one-line e-mail from the big boss: “Nice article.” I treasure these missives as a court jester might a flower from his queen. Hmm. Put this way, it occurs to me my employer-employee relationship might be a tad dysfunctional.

We are a …

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