The House bailout countdown

The House is expecting to vote on the big bailout (oh, sorry, rescue) bill around 12:30. Jay Newton-Small has a story up on explaining that the fiscal-conservative Blue Dog Democrats in the House, who mostly supported the bill on its first go round but are ticked off at all the junk the Senate added to it, may be crucial to its …

Give me an award. I need the money.

A few days ago, I got this e-mail from my boss, TIME editor Rick Stengel:

Last night, Mike Grunwald and TIME won the Prize for Preventive Journalism, a $50,000 award given by the Understanding Government foundation. The award for Mike’s outstanding cover story, “Why New Orleans Still Isn’t Safe,” ran on the anniversary of

Suspending mark-to-market is for zombies

The politicians in Washington, especially the Republicans in Washington, are all fired up at the moment about the scourge that is mark-to-market accounting. The bailout legislation approved by the Senate Wednesday night to be considered by the Senate tonight merely tells the SEC chairman that he has the authority to suspend …

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