What with the rates of interest-bearing accounts dropping to their lowest levels in more than half a century, it’s nearly as productive to shove your money under a mattress as it is to deposit it at a bank.
Stock Market Abandonment: Is the Shift to Conservative Investing Wise or Shortsighted?
A CNNMoney story says that there has been a dramatic decrease in the number of young investors willing to take on risk—meaning putting money into the stock market. In 2001, 30% of Americans younger than 35 said they were game for investments with substantial risks, with the idea that with great risk came great possibility of a bigger …
Cheapskate Wisdom About … Investing in a Home Vs. Investing in the Stock Market
“Consider it this way: when Enron went belly up, shareholders ended up with nothing, but when the housing market drops, homeowners still have a house. And this benefit is tax-free.”
How NOT to Invest Your Money
Take it from a business journalist: Don’t listen to stock tips from business journalists. Also, don’t invest like an average Joe (or Jane).
And the Lord Said, Ye Shall Diversify Your Stock Portfolio
Is it wise to look to the Bible for financial advice? Many financial experts say yes (and probably “Amen” as well). By one count, the good book contains 2,300 verses that deal with how to manage your money.
The Great Recession: Is “Great” the Right Word?
Sometimes, an adjective seems inappropriate. Take “great.” It seems both overused and misused. Wayne Gretzky? No doubt about it: GREAT. Alexander the Great? Sure. Muhammad Ali? The Greatest. But plagues, wars, floods, depressions, economic panics, riots, and recessions? If any of these things are occurring, the situation seems less than …