Management Tip of the Day

Use Social Media to Boost Your Job Search

More and more people are finding jobs via Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites. These media aren’t changing how we look for jobs, they are simply rebooting the traditional habits of successful job hunters and making them easier. To boost your job search:

Turn Obstacles into Assets

Successful people work with what they have to achieve their goals. This includes surprises, obstacles, and even disappointments. Next time you face a challenge, think about how it can help you. Use negative feedback to gauge whether to invest more resources or pull the plug before it’s too late. Take your boss’ rejection of your idea …

Stop Email Overload

Do you have thousands of messages in your inbox, and receive hundreds more every day? Welcome to the club. Instead of being overwhelmed by email, take these steps to regain control:

Turn Adversaries into Allies

Anyone who has faced rivals at work — bosses who take all the credit, team members who undermine things — knows how difficult it is to ignore them. Instead, turn your adversaries into collaborators by following these three steps:

Keep Gen-Xers Engaged

Generation X may be a smaller population than Baby Boomers or Millennials, but it wields great influence in today’s organizations. People in this generation are the all-important bench strength for aging leadership. To keep them around, here’s how to keep them engaged.

Stop Getting Bad Advice

People love to give advice. While it’s useful to hear what others think, sometimes they give off-target or foolish guidance. Here are a few ways to increase your odds of getting good input:

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