The GE/OMD Incubator offers college students with clever business ideas the skills and resources necessary to turn an idea into a viable business.
Ideas for Business
Retail Therapy
For most Americans, choosing a health care plan or home loan–unlike picking peanut butter or shampoo off a supermarket shelf–can be an overwhelming chore. But consumer-friendly Costco, known for simple one-stop shopping at deep …
Risk Factor
Every so often we read of a star trader who lost so much money that he gave back all the profits he made over several years and shook his bank to its foundations. How does this happen? Were the bank’s risk managers mistaken about …
Need to Brainstorm? Head to Starbucks
A clever and, yes, creative new study suggests that moderate background noise is a better spur to innovative thinking than the sound of silence.
Why (Almost) All of Us Cheat and Steal
Behavioral economist Dan Ariely talks about why everyone’s willing to cheat a little, why you’ll steal a staple from work but not petty cash and whether punishments for cheating actually work
Future of Retail: Companies That Profit By Investing in Employees
Ideally, a capitalist economy is constantly becoming more efficient. The benefits of that newly gained efficiency, however, are not always uniformly distributed. Sometimes it goes to business owners in the form of higher prices, …
The Skills Gap Myth: Why Companies Can’t Find Good People
Last week’s disappointing unemployment report has refocused attention on the question of why, despite modest signs of economic recovery in recent months, American companies aren’t hiring.
Business Lunch Etiquette: 8 Rules
Amid technology overload, face-to-face interactions are even more important. Follow these rules to make sure lunch meetings are both fun and productive.
The Myth of American Decline: An Interview with Author Daniel Gross
You don’t have to look very hard to find proof that over the past five years Americans have evolved into a very pessimistic bunch. Far more of us think the country is headed in the wrong direction than think it’s on the right …
Book Review: What America’s Banana King Teaches Us About Capitalism
Americans puzzling over the role of today’s powerful corporations — Bain Capital, Goldman Sachs, Google — may profit from considering the example of the United Fruit Company.
It seems almost quaint to think that a …
Is Innovation Dead — or Doing Just Fine, Thank You?
Facebook has been accused of many things: ripping off individual investors by selectively disclosing bad news to big investors before its IPO; increasing cynicism about Wall Street and damaging the IPO market; being a …