And now for Working Mom of the Year

TIME just unveiled its Person of the Year. I know, I know; you’re thinking, who what huh? Putin? As my brother-in-law said, “What—next year it’ll be Castro?”

I can give you only a tiny behind-the-scenes peek at the process that resulted in his selection because even within TIME, POY (as we call it) is heavily guarded. A few months …

When a black reporter turns white

Print and radio reporters toil unseen behind desks, at crime sites, on the campaign tour. Our work is judged for the most part by, well, our work. But for those who work in front of the camera, their appearance is part of the package. I might watch a driving report on subway fares by a local TV reporter and think, Whoa, take a look at …

What’s wrong with Hillary’s wardrobe?

Who cares what she’s saying? Her charcoal gray pantsuit is lovely. / ABC

I suppose it shouldn’t surprise me that the only female candidate for president is subjected to scrutiny that wouldn’t befall her male competitors—that is, of her appearance. Sure, Huckabee lost half his weight. Yep, Giuliani ditched the comb-over. Do we harp …

In praise of slacking

As a card-carrying member of Generation X, I have long resigned myself to being labeled a no-good slacker. I don’t really care; caring takes energy, and I’m too busy lying prone on my La-Z-Boy and watching another Simpsons rerun. Could someone pass the Duff Beer?

Seriously, now that I think about it, I haven’t heard my generation accused …

Bill Cosby eats shoots and leaves

You all know I’d rather eat cilantro than read and review a book. But a book jacket? Bring it on. So: just noticed this on The Slot, the terrific blog for and by copy editors:

Just who are these Come On People? Do they hail from the land of lewd solicitations? Is it a secret race of pick-up artists?

What Cosby means, of course, is …

Seasonal (and authorial) slowdown

I’ve got no column in the current Time, and I won’t be in the next issue either (Person of the Year). Then we’re taking a week off from magazine making before returning with an issue the first week of January. I’ve been using the time to yes, yet again, try to make my book manuscript a part of my past. In the interest of speeding that …

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