What power means

The word “power” is ringing in my ears tonight, perhaps because I just wrapped up a 14-hour day spent cogitating on the topic.

Ron Brown, diversity consultant to corporate powerhouses like McDonald’s, Procter & Gamble and General Electric, picked the word apart letter by letter over the course of the day at the leadership training …

Don’t put hookers on your corporate card

The Eliot Spitzer debacle reminds me of a tale from my first job.

That first job was as a cub reporter at Adweek. It was about as insane a workplace as you could dream up, peopled by crusty hacks, artists making the rent and wide-eyed young things trying to learn the trade. We worked in a vast, drafty newsroom crowded with A-Tek …

What makes teams work?

It turns out I’m not a team player.

So I’m out in San Francisco attending a leadership training program for minority journalists. Why, you ask? Yes. I ask that, too. I’m not a leader—at least by title, in that I’m not a manager. I have no plans to become a manager. I need to be the boss of someone like I need a bullet in my …

Should reporters be slammed for technique?

There’s a brouhaha brewing on the left coast over a keynote Q&A conducted by BusinessWeek reporter Sarah Lacy. The thoughts, plans and opinions of her subject, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, was of great interest to the attendees of the South by Southwest Interactive Festival held in Austin, Texas, this week. But, as Wired reports:


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