I so did not get a kudos (singular)

About an hour ago, 100-plus TIME staffers gathered in a large auditorium here at Time Inc. for what were billed as the Kudos Awards.

The whatos? is what I thought when I got the e-mailed invite. The invite looked important: it came from Ed McCarrick, the business chief of TIME, and the reminder note came from Rick Stengel, our managing …

Do capital gains tax cuts increase revenues?

One of the most cherished beliefs of supply-side zealots is that cuts in capital gains tax rates always increase revenue. To be sure, there are often dramatic upward revenue swings right after the cap gains rate is cut. But that is in part because people can choose when to enter into the transactions that result in capital gains–and …

Broken heart? Take a leave

This link from Reuters via Yahoo! News, sent by my pal Gerry, who writes, “I don’t know which is odder, that heartache leave exists or that it’s only a couple of days.” Get this:

Lovelorn staff at a Japanese marketing company can take paid time off after a bad break-up with a partner, with more “heartache leave” on offer as they get