Really dumb excuses when calling in sick

My husband Chris is a football freak. And by football I mean the game you play with your feet, the one Americans call soccer. So he calls me today to tell me about the eye-rolling saga of Manchester City midfielder Stephen Ireland, who called in sick to work–in his case, on the Republic of Ireland squad–with the plausible-sounding …

Public speaking do’s and dont’s

Monday’s lack of a WiP post was not an indication of WiP’s growing laziness. WiP in fact spent the day speaking to a couple of hundred undertakers at a convention in Atlantic City.

(WiP enjoys referring to herself by the name of her blog and infrequent magazine column. It makes her feel like a branded entity, not a sad and uncelebrated …

The Greenspanmania continues

From Greg Ip’s Q&A with Greenspan on the W$J’s economics blog:

At the Fed you said housing was in a froth, but you avoided calling it a bubble. From the vantage point of 2007, can you say now that it was in a bubble? Oh yeah. Lots of froths are equal to a bubble… What was driving prices higher was essentially the aftermath of the

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