Donate My Fruitcake to Charity

My friend Jessica Kutash, a marketing exec at a consumer products company, writes:

Several vendors with whom I do business have recently sent me my token ‘thanks for doing business with us’ holiday/end-of-year gifts. Normally these gifts are trinkets or candy. I quite like trinkets and candy. This year, however, I am seeing a new kind

When Internships Are the Stuff of Reality Shows

I work in a field so competitive that few would consider me weird for having slogged through four internships before graduation. All involved little or no pay, soul-deadening work, and absolutely not one iota of glamour.

So you could’ve knocked me over with a feather when I learned today that one of my lame internships is going to be a …

Boomers: Put Off Those Hammock Dreams

Ah, retirement. For the 76 million people born between 1946 and 1964, those golden years of sipping Coronas by the pool don’t seem so far away. With the first wave hitting 60, baby boomers are only five years away from sailing off into the land of shuffleboard and bingo.

Not so fast, says a new study. Fully half of boomers are nowhere …

We’re Happy! We’re Happy!

On the heels of a relatively cheery government jobs report comes news that American workers are hop-skippingly happy with their jobs. What’s more, we love our bosses.

The nation’s employers added 92,000 jobs last month, bringing the average monthly gain for 2006 up to about 150,000 per month. The unemployment rate fell to 4.4%–the …

So I Don’t Deserve a Raise

I just took a quiz on our sister site, and it turns out I really don’t deserve a raise.

The quiz accompanies a smart article by career-advice guru Annie Fisher of Fortune on how to get a raise. It’s adapted from Are You Paid What You’re Worth?: The Complete Guide to Negotiating the Salary, Benefits, Bonus and Raise You

Don’t Get Drunk at the Holiday Party. Better Yet, Don’t Go

Lately I’m reading a lot of surveys and tip sheets from HR experts about holiday parties and gift-giving: how many offices are having them (a shrinking number), what behavior to watch out for (don’t get drunk–just don’t), to what degree they torture employees (off the charts).

Turns out holiday parties can also be lawsuit magnets. …

I Hate My Aeron Chair

My office-furniture nemesis, the famous Aeron chair from Herman Miller

I hate my Aeron chair.

In fact, I hate it so much that I don’t have it anymore. I wheeled it into a conference room a while back and abandoned it. In its place is a brand-free, standard uphostery seat orphaned from before our office redesign. My new-old chair has …

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