Wall Street & Markets

Don’t let Goldman Sachs go back to being (post-1999) Goldman Sachs

The FT’s John Gapper thinks it would be a big mistake for Treasury to allow Goldman Sachs to pay its way out of the strictures of the Troubled Asset Relief Program. He writes:

[W]e now know unambiguously that Goldman is a “systemically important financial firm”. In other words, Goldman is too big to fail and would be bailed out by

What’s behind the great TALF bust?

TIME’s Massimo Calabresi has a really interesting little piece about the spectacular lack of interest in the latest round of Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility lending. TALF has $200 billion in potential funding. Last month it loaned $4.7 billion. This month, just $1.7 billion. Writes Massimo:

There are three possible reasons for

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