
Super Bowl Commercials: Playing to the Cheap Seats

It costs a fortune to advertise during the Super Bowl. So it’s interesting that so many of the commercials seem aimed not at the spendthrift rich, but at folks who are still shell-shocked by the recession, and who remain reluctant to open their wallets.


That’s how much health insurance rates will be hiked for many Anthem Blue Cross customers in California who buy individual policies. These same customers had their premium rates jacked up by around one-third last year as well. And the final kick in the balls: The folks affected have been told to expect their rates to increase more …

Avoiding “America’s Biggest Rip-offs”

CNNMoney put together a list of “America’s Biggest Rip-offs,” which include things like text messages (marked up 6500% with some cell plans), college textbooks (which cost the average student $900 a year), and popcorn at the movies (no surprise here, they charge nine times what it costs to make it). But for every rip-off, there’s usually …

Q&A: The Year of No Clothing Purchases

Since last September, a group of women have been on a fashion fast, refusing to buy any article of clothing for 12 months. What have they learned so far from The Great American Apparel Diet, as the experiment’s called? For one thing, giving up clothes shopping is much easier than giving up wine.

Get This: You Don’t Have to Pay Money to Exercise

I’ve always been puzzled by the variety of ways people will pay to exercise, from gym memberships to personal trainers and beyond. Added to that are all of the exercise paraphernalia—designer yoga outfits, pulse monitors, skin-tight cycling shirts and shorts, all manner of tiny digital entertainment devices. To get some exercise, …

Please Don’t Take My Free Content Away

Apparently a few pretty big bricks are being added to the pay wall. Three giants in the world of free online content—YouTube, Hulu, and the New York Times—may not be quite as free in the near future.

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