Technology & Media

Kid Rock’s $20 Concert Ticket Plan: Good for Fans, Bad for Scalpers

At first glance, Kid Rock’s “$20 Best Night Ever” tour seems ripe for exploitation by scalpers. It’s not hard to imagine entrepreneurs scooping up loads of tickets for $20 apiece, and then selling them for triple or quadruple face value—at which point, they’d still be cheaper than the average concert ticket.

5 Summer Travel Scams to Avoid

With the summer comes peak season for scammers coming up with new ways to empty tourists’ wallets — increasingly, by getting their hands on travelers’ personal financial information. Here are five tricks to be on the lookout …

Ford Smartens Up and Dumbs Cars Down

Since 2010, Ford has been aggressively pushing a touch-screen control system as a replacement to old-fashioned knobs and buttons on the dashboard. But guess what? Those knobs and buttons did the job pretty well—and drivers want them back.

Google Wants Your Money, But Not Your Advice

Big tech companies like Google and Facebook have made their fortunes by putting the power of the Internet in the hands of ordinary people. But when it comes to empowering their own shareholders, these companies are a lot less willing to relinquish control.

When these firms went public in 2004 and 2012 respectively, they each issued …

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