A hit cable drama on a channel like AMC, Showtime, or HBO follows a pretty typical trajectory. A quiet launch draws the attention of TV critics who sing the show’s praises. Over the course of several weeks, word of mouth helps …
Future of TV
Testing the Science of Sharing at the Super Bowl: Can Viral Ads Be Manufactured?
After years of trial and error, some believe that viral videos can not only be fostered and quantified but also predicted
The Most Buzzed-About Super Bowl Ads of 2013, A Sneak Preview
Forget the days when you were totally surprised by the ads airing on Super Bowl Sunday. More than ever, companies are releasing ads weeks before the big game, often creating ad teasers (yes — that’s an ad for an ad) as part of …
‘Hot’ New Gadgets Anybody? No Thanks, We’re Good
Every year, the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas promises to unveil all sorts of gadgets that’ll not only make our lives better—but that we simply won’t be able to live without. Instead, what we get is stuff like the $99 “smart” fork.
Is Broadband Internet Access a Public Utility?
Should broadband Internet service be treated as a basic utility in the United States, like electricity, water, and traditional telephone service? That’s the question at the heart of an important and provocative new book by Susan …
Google Brings Free Public WiFi to Its New York City Neighborhood
Tech giant Google announced Tuesday that it has begun offering free public WiFi internet access in the southwest Chelsea neighborhood of New York City, close to its mammoth headquarters. According to Google, the new service — …
2013: Six Tech/Media Stories to Watch
In 2013, most tech consumers will be asking if it’s smart to buy a new computer, smartphone, or tablet device. As the structural shift from desktop to mobile computing races forward, hardware and software manufacturers are …
The Top 5 Tech Biz Stories of 2012
Farewell, Loud and Annoying TV Ads: The CALM Act Becomes the Law of the Land
Just when you thought Congress was utterly futile comes the implementation of the great bipartisan victory of our times.
YouTube to Boob Tube: Dane Boedigheimer’s Annoying Orange TV Show Has Kids Hooked
How a guy from Minnesota turned animated scenes of “kitchen carnage” into a hit TV show for boys in three years
Will the Kevin Clash Scandal Hurt the Sesame Street Franchise?
The resignation of Kevin Clash – the voice of “Sesame Street’s” Elmo – following allegations of sexual relations with at least two underage boys may have short-term repercussions for the PBS kids’ show. But in the long …
Raiders of the Lost Stream: Netflix Fight with Carl Icahn Escalates over ‘Poison Pill’
Internet video giant Netflix announced a defensive maneuver on Monday designed to fend off famed corporate raider Carl Icahn, who has amassed a sizable stake in the company and suggested it should be sold. Netflix’s “poison pill” …