It’s understandable that many consumers were shocked and outraged to learn that the credit card info of tens of millions of …
Digital Privacy
4 Creepiest Ways Corporate America Is Spying on You
And the government, too
Fixing BlackBerry Would Be Enormous Task for Lenovo
And it may not be much of a chance at all
Give Disney Visitors Hi-Tech Wristbands and They Spend More Money
Once again, Disney appears to have mastered the art of rolling out a new perk for guests—that actually winds up with them spending more money at Disney. This time, it’s a wristband that serves as a combo admissions pass, room key, credit card, and reservation assistant for rides and restaurants.
When a Retailer Asks, ‘Can I Have Your ZIP Code?’ Just Say No
Most of us have, at some point, been asked for our address, ZIP code, phone number or e-mail address while buying something. What’s the deal with that?
5 Summer Travel Scams to Avoid
With the summer comes peak season for scammers coming up with new ways to empty tourists’ wallets — increasingly, by getting their hands on travelers’ personal financial information. Here are five tricks to be on the lookout …
What’s Europe Got Against Google? France Threatens Fines Over Privacy
With Google already trying to contain the damage to its reputation from the National Security Agency (NSA) leaks, it now risks another dent to its image, as European privacy officials threaten to fine the company for sucking up vast amounts of user information without explaining the purpose.
On Thursday, French officials gave Google …
The Anonymous Internet: Privacy Tools Grow in Popularity Following NSA Revelations
With continuing revelations about the scope of the National Security Agency’s surveillance of phone and Internet communications, many people are thinking more carefully about how to ensure their privacy online.
You Probably Agreed to NSA Snooping When You Accepted That Website’s Terms of Service
Maybe we shouldn’t be so shocked about PRISM, considering we grant companies like Facebook, Google and Apple incredible leverage to hand over our data to government agencies the moment we accept their terms of service agreements.
The Real Reason Telecoms Cooperate on National Security? Money
Verizon, the phone company whose disclosure of customer data to the U.S. federal government is at the center of the furor over cooperation by technology companies with top-secret national-security programs, has offered a precise, clear, but little-noticed public explanation of why it did what it did.
The Verizon explanation is not in the
Rejoice! The End of ‘User Name and Password’ May Be Nigh
Tech companies, including PayPal and Google, have joined together to dream up the future of passwords. And the future is to have no passwords at all