Studies show that folks with complex finances also have the least healthy finances. Here’s how to lead a simple money life.
Financial Planning
Companies Are Locking Up Low Interest Rates. Should You?
The cost of borrowing is likely to go up. Companies are taking taking advantage now. Some consumers may want to consider doing the same.
After the Meltdown: 5 Years Later the Shocks Just as Powerful
Here come the polls. It’s been five years since the meltdown and a whole bunch of us feel like things aren’t getting any better.
Baby-Tooth Bubble: Has the Tooth Fairy Lost Her Mind?
The Tooth Fairy is one girl gone wild. Some kids are getting $50 a tooth and the average bounty is up 42% in two years. Here’s what the trend says about the economy and our collective parenting skills.
Report: Fix Social Security Now–or Pay a Stiff Price
A bipartisan think tank finds that the costs of shoring up Social Security will skyrocket in coming years. We need to act now, while the costs are manageable.
The New Money Math: Start Saving at Birth
The evidence is mounting: The time to start learning about money and saving for college is at birth.
Back to School Shopping: Parent-Teen Worlds Collide
A renewed sense of thrift has overtaken back-to-school shoppers, setting the scene for parent-teen conflicts
Student Loan Rates Reset Lower — But Probably Not for Long
The student debt crisis is now being likened to such contentious issues as the draft and health care. We just got a near-term fix. But borrowing rates will rise substantially in a few years.
What It Means to Be ‘Wealthy’ in America Today
Correction appended: July 24, 2013, 11:03 p.m. E.T.
The rich don’t really think they’re rich. In a new survey, the vast majority of investors with $1 million in assets don’t consider themselves wealthy. Which brings up the question: What do the terms rich and wealthy really mean?
Gordon Gekko Lives: New Evidence That Greed Is Rampant on Wall Street
One in four bankers would cheat to make $10 million. This is one of many unsettling findings in a new survey of Wall Streeters. As always, you’re on your own out there.
How the DOMA Ruling Will Affect Gay Couples’ Finances
Yesterday’s historic Supreme Court rulings will have a ripple effect on the lives and futures of gay couples, especially when it comes to their personal finances. The Court’s decision on the Defense of Marriage Act means that people who marry and live in states with legalized same-sex marriage will have that union recognized by the
Workers Revolt: Forget Stocks, Give Me Lifetime Income!
The do-it-yourself retirement has largely failed. Swapping traditional pensions for 401(k) plans sounded good while markets were roaring. But 15 years of choppy returns has brought us full circle: Most workers now say no benefit would be more valuable than guaranteed retirement income.
Four in five employees would forfeit at least 5% …