Upstart gives bright college students an opportunity to repay debt in a way that encourages them to take more business risks.
Educational Financing
The Myth of the Four-Year College Degree
Though college is typically billed as a four-year experience, most students actually need much longer to earn a bachelor’s degree.
College Costs: Will Tuition Discounts Get More Students to Major in Sciences?
To steer more students into high-paying fields, Florida is considering freezing tuition rates in certain areas. Will it work?
Top Three Flawed Arguments of the Anti-College Crowd
The anti-college movement has been the subject of increasing media coverage over the past few years. Worry about rising debt loads, soaring default rates, and high unemployment rates among recent college grads — combined with the high-profile success stories of a few dropouts-turned-billionaires — has generated a cottage industry of …
Is the Student-Loan Debt Crisis Worse than We Thought?
A new report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York delivers generally positive news about the economy with one glaring exception: student-loan debt. The amount of debt and delinquencies are climbing, and some experts say the …
With Obama Win, Wall Street Cop Stays On the Beat
This week’s election was a cliffhanger for many people, but the stakes were higher than most for the director and staff of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The agency, which opened its doors in July 2011, was a …
How Saving for Retirement Might Backfire
Saving for retirement is now the top financial goal of the vast majority of people who hold a job, according to a recent T. Rowe Price survey. That’s great news. We have a savings crisis in America and we’re finally taking it …
Why College May Be Totally Free Within 10 Years
Higher education is in transition and with a coming proliferation in online courses could be totally free for many within a decade. The status quo won’t yield easily. But this is looking like a real answer to runaway student debt.
Gap Year: The Growing Appeal of Not Going Right to College
In September, Amy Huynh, a recent high school graduate who was accepted to Colby College in Maine, visited some of her childhood friends during move-in weekend at UCLA. They’re newly minted freshmen, ready to embark on an
The Student Debt Epidemic: 1 in 5 Households Now Owe Student Loans
The Great Recession has pushed student debt to historic levels, and for the first time ever, almost 20% of U.S. households have outstanding educational loans.
Occupy Wall Street, One Year Later: Did It Make a Difference?
A year ago today, a group of people angry about economic inequality, corporate greed and financial injustice staged a protest in Lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park, pledging to “Occupy Wall Street.” There was no overarching agenda …
New Frontier in Student Debt: It Stifles the Housing Recovery
With the start of another school year, the air is once again filled with angst over the high cost of college. But the discussion is shifting. It’s not just about runaway tuition inflation anymore, or even the individual …