Just as economists and bond traders missed the reversal from inflation to disinflation three decades ago, a new generation …
Decision Making
2 Secrets to Having a Happy, Peaceful Retirement
One could be expected, the other not so much
Knowing Your Net Worth Can Help You Plan
Calculating your net worth is easy, and a valuable exercise. Here’s how.
The Secret to Success in a Global Economy
For now, no country seems to have a big leg up in the push to raise the financial I.Q. of its citizens. But as mandatory financial education spreads that will change.
Why the Rich Aren’t Good at Giving
Three quarters of mega gifts go to charities that do comparatively little good and are laced with personal benefits, one expert finds.
What Critics Get Wrong About Financial Education
Doubters of financial education make four great points but reach the wrong conclusion every time.
We’re in a Golden Age for Butter Consumption
Americans are deciding that butter is better. Consumption of old-fashioned butter has reached a 40-year high in the U.S.
7 Financial New Year’s Resolutions You Might Actually Keep
Americans waste about $1,000 each on failed New Year’s resolutions. Here are some that are free–and you might keep.
What the Super-Rich Are Spending Their Fortunes On Now
Billionaires are giving in big numbers again, reflecting a strong stock market and rising confidence among the super rich
Boycotts, Petitions, Protests, Oh My: The Year in Consumer Outrage
In TIME’s year-end wrap-up for 2011, consumer outrage was highlighted as a hot trend. A couple years later, consumers only seem to be more outraged—and savvier about getting their voices heard.
The Unlikely Secret to a Happy Retirement
Almost everyone aspires to travel in retirement and almost no one factors the expense into their plans. This is one of retirees’ biggest regrets, and it shuts them off from valuable health benefits.
4 Smartest Money-Making Stocking Stuffers
Stumped for a meaningful holiday gift for the kids or grandkids? These presents give for a lifetime.