The new breed of retiree sees low mortgage rates as an easy source of cash to boost income through rental properties and …
Reverse Mortgage
Selling Your Dream for Cash: The Unfortunate Mainstreaming of the Reverse Mortgage
A new report shows that the reverse mortgage remains a confusing product, but that it has gone mainstream nonetheless and represents an unnerving erosion of homeowners’ financial safety net.
5 Key Financial Questions for People in Their 50s
We spend most of our working years accumulating savings for retirement and after that spending them carefully so they last. We need to spend a little more time managing the transition. Here’s how.
7 Ways to Stretch Your Nest Egg
If you thought it was hard to grow a nest egg, try living off one in retirement. Here are seven ways to make what you have last the rest of your life.
Reverse Mortgages More Popular With Younger Homeowners
Once widely seen as money of last resort, reverse mortgages are fast entering the mainstream of retirement income. Boomers are turning to reverse mortgages earlier to pay off debt or improve their lifestyle, according to a report …
Mortgage Giants Wells Fargo and Bank of America Opt Out of Reverse Mortgage Business
At the height of the real estate market, I recall driving past a Bay Area billboard for an apparently conservative financial advisory firm that read something like: “Your home is not a retirement plan.” At the time, the …