An arcane stock market indicator is flashing high alert. Should you pay attention?
The Economy
Delaying Retirement? Count Yourself Lucky
The recession has forced many to delay retirement. That only feels like a hardship. Here’s a look at the bright side.
What Retirement Crisis? Retirees Say They’re Doing Just Fine, Thank You Very Much
The common narrative is that low yields are crushing retirees’ income and lifestyle. Why do so many report having all the money they need? Here are five reasons
Viewpoint: ‘Chained’ CPI for Social Security Calculations Robs Retirees
The proposed ‘chained’ inflation index would cut Social Security increases even though a realistic index of elder inflation would push benefits higher. Can we just tell the truth?
The New Retirement: Forget Being Rich, All We Want Is Peace of Mind
Four years after the recession ended we are still getting signals that our values have changed–at least partly of necessity.
BlackRock’s Fink: Put it All in Stocks
Among other controversial ideas, BlackRock CEO Laurence Fink said long-term bonds had become so risky that young people should be 100% in stocks.
Safe Bet? Central Banks Suddenly Start Buying Stocks
Even central banks are buying stocks, chasing better returns in this low-rate environment. Should you join them?
How to Tame the Rising Cost of Prom Season
Americans generally remain frugal in the aftermath of the Great Recession. But prom night appears invulnerable to austerity. Here’s what you can do about it.
The Real Significance of the Bitcoin Boom (and Bust)
Online currencies like the Bitcoin are one day likely to alter government policy, just as the bond market did in the 1990s
Financial Independence? Today’s Young People Don’t Expect It Anytime Soon
In a mere two years, the proportion of teenagers who expect to be financially dependent on their parents until their mid-20s has doubled. That gives us all another reason to feel sympathy for parents who have teenagers right now.
Scared to Prepared: How the Great Recession Changed Our Spending Habits
The sting of the financial crisis can still be felt five years on. But individuals have moved beyond finger-pointing
Gas Prices Almost Never Decline in March—But They Did Last Month
Traditionally, gas prices have risen in the spring and peaked during the high-demand summer months. Last year, though, prices spiked starting in February and reached their highs in early May, before declining slightly in summer. …