It’s not complicated why people write fake online reviews: The goal is to help a company out, either by praising its services or products and pumping up its ratings, or by bashing the competition with a scathing critique. But researchers have another theory about why some consumers—with apparently no axe to grind or financial interests …
Atlantic City Casino Promotion Bashed By Watchdogs Is a Big Hit with Gamblers
The “You can’t lose” promotion, which promised to refund losses at slot machines Atlantic City’s Revel, appears to be a big winner for the casino—even if consumer advocates think the deal is misleading at best.
Your Funeral Home May Be Scamming You
Funeral homes have long been accused of taking advantage of their customers, who are forced to make a series of expensive decisions in the immediate aftermath of a loved one’s death, when they’re extraordinarily vulnerable. And a …
Alleged Fake Online Review Spammers Get Taken to Court
Websites that rely on user reviews and ratings often use filters to screen out opinions that are likely to be fraudulent. But the filters can only do so much. This week, decided to file a lawsuit to get alleged spammers to stop flooding its ratings service with fake reviews of car dealerships.
Gordon Gekko Lives: New Evidence That Greed Is Rampant on Wall Street
One in four bankers would cheat to make $10 million. This is one of many unsettling findings in a new survey of Wall Streeters. As always, you’re on your own out there.
‘Pet Flipping’ Is Now a Thing
The term sounds absurd, along the lines of “cat juggling,” the fake underground gag used for laughs in the old Steve Martin film The Jerk. But apparently, pet flipping is a real scam — and it’s on the rise.
5 Summer Travel Scams to Avoid
With the summer comes peak season for scammers coming up with new ways to empty tourists’ wallets — increasingly, by getting their hands on travelers’ personal financial information. Here are five tricks to be on the lookout …
Will Wall Street Finally Put Clients First? Maybe Some Day — But Don’t Hold Your Breath
Efforts to compel all financial advisers to act in the best interest of their clients have been derailed–again.
Um, You’ve Actually Been Able to Order 100% Legit Viagra Online for Years
Two key facts are being glossed over with this week’s big announcement from Pfizer: 1) It’s been possible to buy guaranteed authentic Viagra online for years; and 2) Pfizer isn’t really selling drugs directly to customers.
2013 Boston Marathon Paraphernalia Already Up for Sale on eBay
You just knew this would happen. In the days after Monday’s tragedy at the Boston Marathon, all sorts of marathon-related gear has shown up on eBay.
Why the Better Business Bureau Should Give Itself a Bad Grade
Last week, the Better Business Bureau announced that it had officially expelled one of its local affiliates, the BBB of Southland, which served the greater Los Angeles area.
Bank Robbers Going the Way of Blacksmiths?
Perhaps there really is no such thing as easy money. Based on declining bank robbery statistics, criminals seem to be realizing that it’s hard to make a living by following in the footsteps of Bonnie and Clyde.