Opportunity, homeownership and retirement security are down. Now we hear that most believe the next generation will be worse off than the last. Well, OK, but the kids don’t believe it.
401(k) Savings
9 Ways to Simplify Your Finances Now
Studies show that folks with complex finances also have the least healthy finances. Here’s how to lead a simple money life.
America Can’t Afford Wall Street’s Terrible Investment Advice
Should the companies managing your 401(k) be allowed to sell you products that they know will actually make your retirement less secure? That’s the question being debated in Washington, as regulators mull rules that would require …
The New Money Math: Start Saving at Birth
The evidence is mounting: The time to start learning about money and saving for college is at birth.
Workers Revolt: Forget Stocks, Give Me Lifetime Income!
The do-it-yourself retirement has largely failed. Swapping traditional pensions for 401(k) plans sounded good while markets were roaring. But 15 years of choppy returns has brought us full circle: Most workers now say no benefit would be more valuable than guaranteed retirement income.
Four in five employees would forfeit at least 5% …
Will Wall Street Finally Put Clients First? Maybe Some Day — But Don’t Hold Your Breath
Efforts to compel all financial advisers to act in the best interest of their clients have been derailed–again.
The New Retirement: Why You Don’t Have to Pay Off Your Mortgage
The new breed of retiree sees low mortgage rates as an easy source of cash to boost income through rental properties and dividend-paying stocks.
BlackRock’s Fink: Put it All in Stocks
Among other controversial ideas, BlackRock CEO Laurence Fink said long-term bonds had become so risky that young people should be 100% in stocks.
Mandatory Savings Accounts Are Coming Your Way
As the retirement savings crisis deepens, the call for forced savings grows louder. We are headed for something like Australia’s “superannuation” model–with the possibility of one big change: employee contributions.
10 Steps to Spring Clean Your Finances
When it comes to spring cleaning, you probably haul the junk out of your garage, scrub your fridge, and wash the rugs and drapes. But don’t forget about your personal finances. Just after tax season is the perfect time to perform …
Retirement Gamble: Frontline’s Powerful Case for Taking Control of Your Financial Future
As if you needed reminding, the last dozen years have exposed the 401(k) as a deeply flawed primary retirement savings mechanism. A PBS special takes you through the gory details.
Mandatory Savings: How Australia Fixed a Retirement Crisis
The land down under has gotten on top of their retirement-savings crisis through a system of mandatory savings accounts. The U.S. is sure to give them a look