If you’ve been in Vegas and hopped in a taxi in recent years, there’s a good chance you’ve been “long hauled.”
Municipal Government
The State That’s Beginning to Wish It Never Got Rich
Oil has brought great wealth and the nation’s lowest unemployment rate to North Dakota. Soaring homelessness, crime, and housing prices have come along for the ride.
Your Anniversary Just Isn’t Complete Without This
What do a Catholic college in Connecticut, a popular outdoor apparel company, and the state of New Jersey have in common? They all seem to have nothing to do with beer, yet they all have craft beers created in their honor.
New Way to Save Downtown: Open-Air Public Drinking, Longer Bar Hours
Bourbon Street, or something sorta like it, may be coming to a city near you. To create more vibrant nightlife scenes and bring faded downtown districts back to life, cities around the U.S. are drunk on the concept of pedestrian …
National Epidemic of Horrible People Pretending to Be Disabled
This trend probably won’t do much for your faith in humanity: Around the country, an increasing number of ethically challenged human beings are faking disabilities in order to snag good parking spots, cut lines at theme parks, or just bring their dogs into restaurants.
Why Derivatives May Be the Biggest Risk for the Global Economy
Since the recession, the value of derivatives outstanding has grown, and they remain very risky with the potential for large, unpredictable losses.
Why Parking in Cities Should Be Way More Expensive
Here’s an idea that’ll probably be about as popular with drivers as 20 blocks of gridlock traffic.
Do We Have Another Financial Bubble On Our Hands? Or Three?
Multiple debt markets are facing big trouble because of excessive borrowing and the Fed’s easy-money policies.
How Bad Is America’s Pension Funding Problem?
Unfunded liabilities in pension funds are just as onerous as other kinds of debt. Such liabilities now total more than $2.5 trillion and are growing at a rapid pace.
New Orleans Mayor on the Lessons Learned from Hurricanes Isaac, Katrina
Less than two weeks ago New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu was nervously eyeing the Gulf of Mexico, worried that Tropical Storm Isaac might balloon into a Category 3 hurricane and barrel straight for New Orleans on the seventh …
The State Willing to Pay Big Bucks to Attract New Workers
Around the nation, states struggling with stubbornly high unemployment rates face the problem of having too few jobs for all the able-bodied workers. But a few states in the Midwest face a different problem, one that places stuck …
Every American Is Experiencing a Different Economy
You don’t have a real economic recovery until the majority of Americans are participating — and right now they aren’t