Management Tip of the Day

Keep Your Company’s Secrets in the Digital Age

Through social sharing technologies like Facebook and Twitter, your employees may be unwittingly exposing company secrets. Even seemingly innocuous information like travel schedules or what online groups an employee joins can give competitors inside intelligence. Here’re a few ways to shield your organization from prying eyes

Make Your Mission Meaningful

When work has personal meaning, people feel a sense of ownership in their jobs. But few employers do what it takes to make this a core part of their organization. This is apparent in the often bland, tone-deaf, and hollow mission statements companies adopt, which regularly turn out to be empty lip service to values that aren’t lived …

When You Become the Boss, Build Your Credibility

Managing people who used to be your peers is tough. You need to establish your authority without acting like the promotion’s gone to your head. Here are three ways to make the transition easier:

  • Tread lightly at first. Don’t introduce any major overhauls right away. Identify a few small decisions you can make fairly quickly, but

Reduce Stress with Self-Compassion

You have too much on your plate, deadlines are looming, and people are counting on you. Since you can’t eliminate bouts of intense stress, you have to learn to deal with them. Studies show that people who practice “self-compassion” are happier, more optimistic, and less anxious and depressed.

Don’t Sandwich Negative Feedback

When you must deliver criticism about someone’s work, it’s best to be direct rather than diplomatic. Avoid the all-too-common practice of mixing positive messages with negative ones. It’s confusing to the recipient. Steer clear of the classic feedback “sandwich”: good news, followed by bad news, ending with good news. Eating a …

Welcome Edits on Your Writing

A good writer welcomes good edits. A bad writer resents them, seeing them only as personal attacks. Share your material while it’s still rough — the feedback will help you improve it much faster than if you were toiling in isolation. Routinely ask your colleagues, including those you supervise, to read your drafts and suggest …

Try Out a Career by Volunteering

It’s impossible to know if you’ll really like a career direction until you try it. To avoid costly mistakes — and wasting your energy — take a test-drive. If you can spare nights or weekends, or afford to go without a paycheck for a short period, try volunteering. Offer to help out at an organization or assist an entrepreneur …

Survive Networking Events by Being Generous

You’re not the only one who walks into a networking mixer full of dread. Before you make a run for the door, try a different approach. Tell yourself that it isn’t about you. Instead of trying to meet potential clients, or making another connection that will advance your career, focus exclusively on what you can do for the other …

3 Ways to Use Persuasion to Get What You Need

In today’s organizations, persuasion trumps formal power. To get things done, you need to be able to sway the undecided and convert opponents. Here are three ways to do that:

  • Give what you want to receive. You can invoke reciprocity by giving exactly what you hope to get in the future. For example, lend a colleague one of your

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