The resolution of the Fiscal Cliff will probably no solve much, while little attention is paid to the real economic problems.
Health Care
The Pessimist’s Guide to Surviving the Fiscal Cliff
Whatever the budget deal, it probably won’t be able to prevent sluggish growth and the risk of rising inflation.
Whoever He Is, the President Elect Will Quickly Face an Economic Crisis
The U.S. is confronting a dizzying array of financial issues that will have to be dealt with early next year.
The Six Daunting Financial Problems Facing America
Solutions to the economic problems that the U.S. faces are unpalatable, and there’s a dangerous temptation to avoid dealing with fundamental issues.
Don’t Nap On This: Why The Business of Sleep Will Keep Booming
One day, when smog-free cars run on sea water and every loophole in the tax code has been closed, the entirety of humanity will be in such a glorious state of physical fitness and spiritual bliss that falling asleep will be as …
Unemployment Rate Ticks Up to 8.3% — But There’s Good News, Too
The unemployment rate rose to 8.3% in July, but it’s probably the most hopeful jobs report in months.
Why Obamacare Should Be Redesigned, But Not Repealed
Deft revisions to the health care law could solve its long-term financial problems, preserve broad catastrophic coverage and allow more consumer choice.
Should All Young Americans Be Fiscal Conservatives?
Resources keep shifting to the elderly at the expense of the young, who will end up paying off a mountain of debt while their own standard of living is eroding.
How Dangerous Is America’s Debt?
The deficit needs to be trimmed, but not at the risk of austerity policies that could cause another recession — and the real long-term problem is entitlements
Invuity: Taking Surgery Out of the Dark Ages
Advances in minimally-invasive surgery have made for smaller and smaller incisions, thereby reducing the risk of infection and greatly improving patient recovery times. Yet, operating in tiny spaces comes with its own
Facing up to the Ethical Dilemmas in the Healthcare Debate
The U.S. has been evading the economic problems posed by healthcare, but the ethical dilemmas that will accompany rising costs are even more daunting.
Beware of Falling Trees: The Best and Worst Jobs in America
Lumberjacks are celebrated in folklore (hello, Paul Bunyan) and in song (hello Monty Python), but as a career choice lumberjacking leaves something to be desired. At least according to the Jobs Rated 2012 report released earlier …