
Don’t Get Your Identity Stolen During Tax Season

As if there’s not enough stress around tax time, cybersecurity experts are calling attention to a growing problem: Identity thieves are using this event to snag unsuspecting taxpayers’ personal information, and they’re constantly …

Is This Stock Market Rally for Real?

Despite all the problems facing the global economy, the average U.S. stock has doubled from its 2009 lows. So this seems like the time to ask whether share prices have run up too far, too fast.

A ‘Refundable’ Tax Credit That Many Overlook

Americans will miss out on millions of refund dollars this tax season, as they do every year, simply because they fail to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit. This credit has been around since 1975, when it was installed to help families of low and moderate wage earners offset the burden of Social Security taxes. Over the years, it has …

Tax Tips for the Unemployed

Being unemployed is rough enough, but it makes the annual ordeal of paying taxes even more challenging. The biggest problem is that many people who were unemployed in the previous year simply neglect their taxes. “Many taxpayers …

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