How good of a run has Lego been on in recent years?
Emerging Markets
Despite Slowdown, the Cult of Luxury Grows in China
How the government’s anti-corruption campaign could squelch the Chinese luxury market
The Namath Effect? Interest in Fur Heats Up
You’ve seen the fur coat Joe Namath wore at the Super Bowl. You probably Tweeted about it. And apparently, the coat that got more attention than the game has inspired some to emulate Namath’s look—one alternately called cruel, …
Sochi: Worst Olympics Travel Destination Ever?
Stocks Fall as Fed Weans Economy off Stimulus
Trouble in emerging markets contributed to the slump
Access to Basic Banking Is a Crisis for 40 Million Americans
Some 2.5 billion people have no access to basic financial products like insurance and credit cards. Fixing that would fix a lot of the world’s poverty problems.
Foroohar: The Debt Ceiling Crisis Is Threatening Your Quality of Life
The budget and debt ceiling fights in Washington often seem to take place in a hermetically sealed bubble. Or maybe on some faraway planet “Beltway,” where there’s definitely less oxygen in the atmosphere. But it’s important …
Why Gas Prices Aren’t Soaring
American drivers have come to expect that strife in the Middle East equates to a spike in gas prices at home. It looks like we’re about to bomb Syria. And yet gas prices haven’t jumped — and analysts say they probably won’t. In fact, all signs indicate that prices at the pump will plummet, perhaps by more than 20%, in the months ahead.
Market Reality Check
The market craziness continues, with stocks down, commodities crashing, and bond yields rising. As usual during such periods, wild theories about what’s happening abound: The U.S. recovery is a mirage; China is having a Lehman Brothers-style meltdown; etc.
Forget ‘Buy American’? U.S. Retailers Push an ‘Imports Work’ Campaign
Wanna support American workers? Buy imports. So says a new report, which claims that a cheap, robust imports marketplace not only helps American workers and families, but local farmers, manufacturers, and small businesses as well.
Hot Pizza: So Popular Restaurants Will Try Almost Anything
Pizza is popping up in more (and sometimes unusual) places, and it’s being prepared and marketed in new (and sometimes unusual) ways. Why is pizza so hot all of a sudden?
$1.50-Per-Day Challenge: How Chefs, Celebs and TV Anchors Are Getting By
Celebrities and political figures are among the thousands of people living on daily food budgets of $1.50 during the Live Below the Line challenge, a campaign to raise money and awareness for global poverty