
5 Myths About Living Wage Laws

Washington D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray is uncomfortably nestled between a rock and a hard place. Last Friday, the D.C. council sent a bill (The Large Retailer Accountability Act of 2013) to the mayor’s desk that would require large retailers like Walmart and Target to pay its workers a “living wage” of $12.50 per hour — significantly higher …

America’s Productivity Problem

Would you like a raise? How about more vacation? Of course you would. If you’re anything like me, one of your main motivations each day at the office is the prospect of advancing, making more money, or even earning more time off …

Europe’s False Recovery

When is a recovery not a recovery? When it comes in the euro zone.

On Wednesday, Europe officially vaulted out of its longest recession since the creation of the single currency, growing 0.3% after shrinking exactly that much …

Fewer Americans Will Work: What That Means for the Economy

With last year’s presidential election so focused on jobs and the economy, the American public probably knows more about the nuances of the unemployment rate than they ever have before. One particular of the official unemployment rate that received attention last year is that the Labor Department counts someone as unemployed only if he …

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