Agency says reduction in sulfur levels in gasoline will prevent up to 2,000 premature deaths a year
Here’s Why Gas Prices Are Surging
Unrest in Venezuela and Sudan pushed price of a gallon up to $3.41, says survey
The State That’s Beginning to Wish It Never Got Rich
Oil has brought great wealth and the nation’s lowest unemployment rate to North Dakota. Soaring homelessness, crime, and housing prices have come along for the ride.
Every Norwegian is Now a Millionaire (Kind Of)
There’s more oil money than the country knows what to do with
Gas Prices Will Fall in 2014. But You May Pay More at the Pump Anyway
Analysts expect gas prices to decrease or remain mostly flat not only in 2014, but for years to come. Nonetheless, drivers in some states will see higher prices at the pump, starting January 1.
Why the Era of High Gas Prices Is Supposedly Ending
A federal report released this week forecasts that U.S. production of oil and natural gas will increase for decades to come. At the same time, all signs indicate per capita energy usage—especially in terms of fossil …
Oil Prices Take a Dive Following Iran Deal
Success at the negotiating table in Geneva sends oil prices into retreat
Already Cheap Gas Prices Are About to Hit Rock Bottom
Prices at the pump sometime head in the exact opposite of the trajectory forecast by analysts. But this autumn, gas prices are steadily plummeting, just as predicted, recently hitting a low for the year.
Win for BP in Gulf Spill Settlement Dispute
Appeals court orders trial judge to halt some payments
Gas Prices Are About to Hit New Lows
By Halloween — and perhaps much sooner, if the federal shutdown dampens demand significantly — consumers are likely to see the cheapest gas prices so far this year
BP Asks Court to Halt Gulf Spill Payout
Exorbitant fees and bogus claims have inflated Deepwater Horizon settlement payments, claims the oil company
The New Ride for Orlando Tourists: Electric Cars
A new initiative hopes to turn tourists visiting central Florida into the electric car owners of tomorrow.