Two weeks after Wendy’s bumped Burger King out of the No. 2 spot among hamburger chains, the King has unveiled a new menu, new marketing and a new look. But is it too late?
Food and Beverage Industry
How Wendy’s Finally Knocked Burger King Down A Notch
There’s a restaurant in Wichita, Kan., that now offers a Bacon Portabella Black Label Burger (with mushroom sauce and Muenster cheese), an Apple Pecan Chicken Salad, a Monterey Ranch Crispy Chicken Sandwich and an Asiago Ranch …
Backlash to the ‘Pink Slime’ Backlash
Who in the world would ever want “pink slime” in their hamburger? Before answering, take note the slime is officially referred to as “lean finely textured beef” or LFTB, that it’s 95% lean, on average—and that without it, you can expect meat to be 5% to 10% more expensive.
High Country Kombucha Shows How Small Businesses Can Capitalize on a Crisis
Ed Rothbauer thought his career in construction was over after a fall from a roof left him paralyzed from the ribs down. Little did he know at the time that out of this tragedy he would find his calling in life, in the form of a millennia-old drink whose fans attribute to it mystical healing powers.
Food Fight! Stores, Producers, Consumers Battle over High Food Prices
Here’s a news flash that won’t be remotely surprising if you’re responsible for grocery shopping in your house: the cost of food has been rising. In the past year, consumer food prices have increased 4.4%, compared with a 2.9% …
Yelp Heads Toward an IPO, But Can It Thrive on the Social Web?
It’s four o’clock, and you need to make a dinner reservation. The problem is, you have no idea which restaurants are the highest rated in your area. Chances are that you’ll do what 66 million others do each month: search Yelp.
How Global Economic Shifts Changed the Wine Industry — For Better and For Worse
The international wine market was a favorite subject for classical economists in the 18th and 19th centuries to help explain the benefits of free trade. Adam Smith advocated free trade in his opus, An Inquiry into the Nature and …