Last year, Americans spent more on products and procedures to make our faces look better. The reason? Well, it may seem counterintuitive, but experts say the lackluster economy is part of the reason for our collective vanity.
Work/Life Balance
Memo Read Round the World: Yahoo Says No to Working at Home
New CEO (and new mother) Marissa Mayer says there will be no more working from home at the Internet pioneer. Puff goes two decades of workplace reinvention.
What’s It’s Really Like to Have a Quirky Job Title? The ‘Ambassador of Buzz’ Has His Say
Hey, if nothing else, having an offbeat job title helped the Ambassador of Buzz generate enough buzz to be featured in a Q&A at
Three Strategies for Saving Money on College That May Not Work as Promised
Yes, you can save money and avoid student loan debt by employing some of the classic strategies suggested by personal finance gurus. But you may not save as much as you think—and you could even wind up spending more.
Ambassador of Buzz? Are Offbeat Job Titles Awesome or Unprofessional?
Why be just another generic “associate” when you could hold the job title of ninja, happy maker or ambassador of buzz? Then again, they might just come off as silly
TurboTax Vs. H&R Block: Here’s the Other Class War Sparked by Taxes
Who knew tax preparation could get so controversial? As tax season kicks into gear, archrivals H&R Block and Intuit, maker of TurboTax software, are squabbling like reality show housewives.
No Cigar: CEOs Hand Out Pay Cuts After Becoming Dads
Your CEO’s wife is having a baby? You might want to pick that congratulatory card off the 99-cent rack, because your salary could take a hit after the bundle of joy arrives — even though your head honcho is likely to increase the size of his own paycheck.
Is Most Personal Finance Advice Useless? Author Exposes Industry’s ‘Dark Side’
According to a new book digging into the curious history and modern-day big business of personal finance, much of the advice doled out by “experts” in books, on Oprah Winfrey‘s couch, and on their own TV shows is simplistic, …
Closing the Chore Gap
When you add up paid and unpaid work, it’s women, not men, who put in the longer hours, largely because women tend to do more than their fair share of chores and childrearing. But it’s in men’s best interest, as well as women’s, …
Parent Holiday Conundrum: How to Walk the Fine Line Between Treating and Spoiling Your Kids
Is it remotely possible to be Santa and a responsible parent at the same time?
Job Satisfaction or Long-term Job Stability? Turns Out It’s Hard to Have Both
Would you rather have a career that makes you one of the most in-demand workers in the economy of tomorrow, or one that leaves you deeply satisfied when the work day is done? Two new surveys rank careers on these criteria and, …
Going Back to Work? Look for Companies Offering a ‘Returnship’
A thriving industry has sprung up around people 40-plus going back to work or switching careers. The newest wrinkle is something called a “returnship,” which is practiced at a handful of leading companies including Goldman Sachs and Sara Lee.