A lot of folks in and near retirement are finding out the hard way what studies have long shown: Market declines are especially damaging in the years just before or after you quit work for good.
Job Markets
Citizens Of What U.S. City Have the Highest Credit Scores?
Hint: It’s in a state with a lot of cheese. It has a low unemployment rate. It has about 40,000 people. Ok, you probably haven’t heard of it.
Jobs Market Rebounds, but the Non-Recovery Recovery Continues
Hip, hip hooray. We have jobs. But the fact that that’s the economic cheer of the day is a bit depressing.
Is Warren Buffett Right About The Economy?
Warren Buffett told Fortune magazine’s Most Powerful Women Summit Tuesday that he hasn’t thrown in the towel on the U.S. economy, arguing that the U.S. will avoid a double-dip recession despite rumors to the contrary. Though some …
Unemployed Cry for Help (and Work) on Craigslist
There’s no shortage of grim employment statistics floating out there. For example, only 63.5% of men ages 21 to 54 had jobs in July, and one or more people have lost jobs in nearly half of American households since 2008. While the numbers tell one part of the story, free ads posted on Craigslist by people who are out of work and …
Minimum Wage Goes Up in Four States
Survey: Job Market’s Been Bad for Everybody—But Worse for the Less Affluent
Over the last three years, households with incomes of $75,000 and up have experienced a dreary, often harsh employment landscape. In more than one-quarter of these households, someone has lost a job. In nearly half of such …
Work from Home? You Must Be a Slacker
The concept of working from home took a beating during the Great Recession, raising questions about companies’ ability to make the most of the wired world. The setback also throws a bit of cold water on the hopes of mature …
Come Again? American Auto Workers Get Signing Bonuses?
As the auto industry climbs out of the worst economic slowdown since the Great Depression, workers are demanding higher pay. But the closest thing they are likely to get from a labor agreement between the United Auto Workers and …
More Young Adults Are Poor, Live With Their Parents
It’s not your imagination: It really is more crowded at mom and dad’s place. The Census Bureau made headlines yesterday with news that the nation’s official poverty rate hit 15.1%, the highest since 1993. Tough times have also translated into a rise in adult children moving back into (or never leaving) their parent’s homes. In the spring
Downgrading the American Dream
The American Dream has been downgraded, too.
Obama’s Jobs Plan: Will it be Enough to Revive the Economy?
President Obama’s jobs plan, which he outlined Thursday night in a televised speech to the nation, is more ambitious than many people might have predicted. It’s a $447 billion package including lots of tax cuts and some serious …