Watch for these tells
Careers & Workplace
5 Ways to Not Get Rejected on LinkedIn
By now, most of the Internet has heard about (and commented on) the bizarre response a self-professed “passionate advocate” for people looking for work gave a young job-seeker who had the nerve to contact her on …
Anti-Mentor Roasts Millennial Who Contacted Her on LinkedIn
Then karma roasts her online
1 Word That Immediately Kills Your Credibility
Never say it again, if you can help it
Your SAT Scores Will Come Back to Haunt You
You don’t want to relive the high-school stress of taking the SATs, but if you’re a job-seeker, you might have no other choice. With a labor market that remains a “buyer’s market,” more employers are making applicants …
3 Sentences That Can Basically Destroy You
When these utterances start to become commonplace around the office, it just might be the beginning of the end
12 Things Extremely Successful People Do Before Breakfast
Simple changes can pay major dividends
The 5 Least Literate Cities in America
And the most well-read
7 Ways You’re Annoying Absolutely Everybody
Recognize these behaviors?
Big Business: Raise the Minimum Wage and Computers Will Replace You at Work
A new advertisement backed by business says raising the minimum wage will accelerate the replacement of humans with technology
6 Ways to Brown Nose Your Way to the Very Top
Without getting a reputation for being a kiss-up
The One Word You Need to Stop Using Immediately
Four little letters