Justin Fox

I'm the business and economics columnist for TIME. Before joining the magazine in 2007, I spent more than a decade writing and editing for Fortune. I started this blog, the Curious Capitalist, on CNNMoney.com (Fortune's Internet home) in 2006. Way back when, I also worked at the American Banker, the Birmingham News, and the (Tulare, Calif.) Advance-Register. I grew up outside San Francisco in the lovely town of Lafayette, attended Acalanes High School (Go Dons!), went to college at Princeton, and lived in the Netherlands for a while. I'm married and have a son, and we live in New York City. Oh, and I've written a book. It's called 'The Myth of the Rational Market.' The Economist says it's "fascinating and entertainingly told." The FT says it's an "excellent new history," Burton Malkiel (writing in the Wall Street Journal) says it's "a valuable and highly readable history of risk and reward." Arthur Laffer (pontificating on CNBC), says it's "absolutely exquisite." Publisher's Weekly says it's "spellbinding." USA Today says it's "yawn-inducing." I could go on and on—and I do (although not so much about the yawns), at my personal website, byjustinfox.com. E-mail me at capitalist@timemagazine.com

Articles from Contributor

Why do we levy taxes, anyway?

A reader writes, in response to my Upside of Anger column on taxing Wall Street bonuses:

You appear to have a positive outlook regarding the government using the tax system to punish entities they don’t agree with. And you dare use the term “CAPITALIST” in your byline?? How hypocritical can one get?? Here is my take on the punishing

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