The once-anonymous Twitter user behind @GSElevator, an account with more than 624,000 followers that purports to share quips heard in the elevators of Goldman Sachs, has been unmasked: He’s 34-year-old John Lefevre, a former bond executive now living in Texas, according to Dealbook.
From his @GSElevator account, Lefevre often tweeted “overheards” (or “OH,” in Twitter parlance) from the Goldman Sachs elevators that mocked Wall Street upper-crust culture.
#1: I always make sure I live in a neighborhood with the champagne socialists. No one is better at keeping the riffraff out.
— GS Elevator Gossip (@GSElevator) February 10, 2014
#1: On Valentine’s Day, I send my wife flowers with a card that says ‘Congratulations’.
— GS Elevator Gossip (@GSElevator) February 7, 2014
#1: Most girls cannot pull off their attitude. They need to either get hotter, or be nicer.
— GS Elevator Gossip (@GSElevator) November 30, 2013
The account was so popular that it netted Lefevre, who does not and has never worked for Goldman, a six-figure book deal, despite his lack of employment at the firm.
“What matters is that every story in the book is true,” Lefevre’s agent told Dealbook when questioned about the veracity of his book. “The book isn’t going to live or die on whether he worked at Goldman Sachs for two months or not.”
A Goldman spokesman told Dealbook after Lefevre was unmasked that “we are pleased to report that the official ban on talking in elevators will be lifted effective immediately.”