Walmart Lets Kids Choose Their Own Holiday Toys

Robots, Furbys Will Be In New "Chosen By Kids" Section

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The Walmart toy department is taking their young customers very seriously. In an unprecendented move, giant retailer asked a group of 1,000 kids under 10 years old to play with a selection of toys and then rate their favorites.

The winning toys will be marketed for the holidays in a special “Chosen by Kids” section, the AP reports. Because the holidays account for about 40% of annual toy revenues, retailers are especially anxious to stock toys with broad appeal and to avoid being left with shelves full of duds at season’s end.

The toys chosen by the Walmart focus groups include a new Barbie Dreamhouse play set, a robot Furby, and FurReal Friends Cuddles My Giggly Monkey, a very affectionate toy  monkey.
