So you have a Facebook page, a Twitter account, email newsletters and a website optimized for search engines and mobile users. Now don’t forget good old-fashioned offline promotion.
A few years back, marketing firm iProspect found that two-thirds of online searchers are driven by information obtained offline. That’s a pretty amazing statistic for a world that has largely become Web-focused. That number may have come down a bit as mobile internet usage has soared, but it’s still a very telling data point.
So what lessons should you draw from that fact? Be sure to include an email address, website and social media information on all your marketing materials, including business cards, brochures, flyers, invoices and even product packaging. Make slogans and product names catchy and memorable enough so people remember them when they go to search.
Advertising, direct mailings, trade shows, conferences, networking events and any other public appearance you can think of can also generate interest and leads and build your brand. So get out there and establish yourself as an expert and promote your brand in the process. You need to be as active offline as you are online.
Adapted from The Benefits of Integrating Online & Offline Lead Generation by Maryalene LaPonsie at Small Business Computing.