Clear and well-articulated presentations are a pleasure to listen to, but they won’t necessarily be remembered. On the other hand, great quotes get picked up and repeated — whether at the water cooler, in blog posts, or on social media.
Embed these types of sound bites when you want to make a speech memorable:
- Rhythmic repetition. Repeat a key word or phrase at the beginning, middle, or end of sentences. Use this rhetorical device throughout the presentation and people will walk away remembering that word or phrase.
- Concrete comparison. Use a simile or metaphor to help your audience understand your message and recall it later.
- Slogan. Deliver a concise statement that’s easy to remember. For example, Steve Jobs said “reinvent the phone” several times at the iPhone launch and the phrase ended up in PCWorld’s headlines the next day.
Adapted from the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations.