Seasonal items, such as holiday decor and Christmas cards top the dollar-store deal list for Julia Scott, founder of the blog She points out that the prices on holiday cards are even better than on ordinary greeting cards. “I snagged 20 holiday cards for a buck — the perfect investment for something glanced at,” she says. Along with gift wrap and party supplies, the use-it-and-chuck-it nature of many holiday decorations means they don’t have to be durable, so a step down in quality is worth the savings at the cash register.
The Best (and Worst) Things to Buy at a Dollar Store
BUY: Holiday Decorations
Full List
Dollar Store Buys
- Is That Really Worth $1?
- BUY: School, Office and Craft Supplies
- DON’T BUY: Plastic Wrap and Sandwich Bags
- BUY: Party Supplies and Gift Wrap
- DON’T BUY: Anything With An Electrical Cord
- BUY: Greeting Cards
- DON’T BUY: Cookware and Utensils
- BUY: Holiday Decorations
- DON’T BUY: Jarred Spices
- BUY: Drinking Glasses
- DON’T BUY: Batteries