“In essence, I paid some people to take some of my cars.” Those are the words of a Chrysler dealership owner in Arkansas. His dealership, like about one-quarter of Chrysler showrooms across the country, is being forced to close tomorrow, June 9. Dealers on the chopping block have been unloading inventory on the cheap for weeks, and today and tomorrow you can expect the biggest deals yet.
By now, the pickings are generally quite slim. Also, a somewhat obvious point: These Chrysler dealers are selling Chrysler automobiles. There’s a reason (many reasons, actually) why these cars haven’t already sold, and you might not want one even at a fire sale price. Still, here’s your chance to offer a car salesman half-off the sticker price and not be laughed off the lot. Check out a list of the nearly 800 soon-to-be-shut dealerships, as well as an AP story about the scramble to sell off cars by tomorrow.