I’m very proud to have been anointed as the official spokesperson for dads everywhere—OK, not really, but I have a blog, and I’m running with it. Take it from me: What Dad really wants—more than pants, a stainless-steel barbecue, a cheap Chrysler, and certainly more than a new tie—is a break.
We dads really don’t want you to buy us stuff. For one thing, we know that, in one way or another, whatever you spend is coming out of our pockets anyway. So I hereby endorse the nap as the best Father’s Day gift. Dad won’t be insulted in the slightest if you don’t spend money on him. Quite the contrary. If you save money, as suggested in this money-saving Father’s Day gift registry, you’re basically saving us money too, and that makes us happy. Proud, even. All Dad really wants is some peace and quiet, all the better if no one has to drop cash unnecessarily. If a nap doesn’t seem like enough, we’re more than happy to be relieved of some of our chores. Artwork created by the kids is nice too.